Monday, 12 November 2012

He saved a soul and an entire family ...

Another beautiful story in today's world. This man, with his kindness and good manners, he not only saved another soul but rather an entire family and gave them a chance to live together and to stay out of trouble.

Humanity is still fine my friends,

Walk in Peace.


Sunday, 4 November 2012

Like the ocean

"This worldly life, the dunya, is just like the ocean. And our hearts are the ships. We can use the ocean for our needs and as a means to get to our final destination. But the ocean is only that: a means. It is a means for seeking food of the sea. It is a means of travel. It is a means of seeking a higher purpose. But it is something which we only pass through, but never think to remain in. Imagine what would happen if the ocean became our end – rather than just a means. Eventually we would drown." - Yasmin Mogahed