Monday, 26 December 2016

Success: Say InshaAllah and start planning!

Today, I’ve been thinking a lot about success. Success in all its meaning.

Sadly, some of us will live their lives without really knowing the meaning of success, because some of us have failed to fail. In other words, how do we expect to succeed if we have never tried, if we have never failed and if we never fall?

It’s in our nature to fall, once, twice, thrice until we stand up again and walk. It doesn’t matter how you walk; straight, crooked, crawling, ramping, jumping, or seated in a chair … as long as you keep moving and keep going forward.

If the taste of success is so good and so satisfying; can you imagine the taste of success when you face those who have always put you down and made you believe that you are good for nothing?

As the proverb goes:

 “Don’t tell people about your plans. Show them your results”.

I’ve been surrounded by some of the closest people to me, who made me believe that I was a failure, that I was good for nothing, that I couldn’t do what I said “I will do” and that time will prove them right.

To this person and to that other person I say:
       wait, watch and get ready to bite your fingers, InshaAllah!

As long as God is with you and on your side, as long as you have faith, as long as the ones who truly love you and care for you are there to support you, as long as your intentions are true and honest, and as long as you make your dreams come true instead of dreaming about your dreams, then, do not despair.

May you have the strength to make your dreams come true, may the Al Might bless you with good health, wisdom, knowledge and Sabr.

Stop the talk and walk the walk. Aspire to Inspire.

Walk in peace,


Source of photo:

Monday, 12 December 2016

Love knows know limit, Love knows no shame

This morning, we have been blessed with loads of snow. The city is entirely covered with flakes and roads are covered with endless white carpets. The scenery is beautiful and almost magic. But in this white morning, I have witnessed a scene which literally made my heart "melt". And for some reasons, I needed to share this with you...because something like this, I rarely see.

A couple were crossing the street and the woman almost fell. Her man held her tight, hugged her, asked if she was OK and looked at her boots. He kneeled in front of her, on the cold snow, while she rested her hand on his left shoulder, he removed his gloves and he tied her boot laces. Then he stood up, kissed the top of her head, held her hand and crossed the street together.

Rare are the ones who will help their partners dress up, ties their shoes or wash them up when they know they can't do it themselves or when they know they need help and support. Especially for men
who have been culturally speaking brainwashed or raised.

Love knows no limit. Love knows no shame. Love knows no embarrassment. Love knows no humiliation! Love is light. Love is to be lived and felt everywhere not only behind closed doors. Never be embarrassed of a person who loves you and who's willing to do the impossible for you.

Walk in peace everyone,

Nermine B.

Source of photo:

Sunday, 11 December 2016

School of Life

Every human being was born with a heart, but many hearts grow to be dead and blind. We were born with ears, but even those who "hear" can be so deaf. We have eyes to see, but we decide to “pretend” and to close our eyes on what really matters. We were born innocent, but we made the choice to be unjust toward others. Some are "educated" yet they are so ignorant and know nothing about the School of Life and Manners. Many pretend to be so practicing or religious, and yet they are full of selfishness, hypocrisy and lies.

Many don’t know the true meaning of Love, of Respect, of Satisfaction, of Mercy, of Sharing, of Giving, of Sacrificing …. Some people are simply made like that, they take but never give.
Sooner or later, these people will suffocate in their own miserable life. Sooner or later, they will regret but maybe then, it would be too late to look back.

In this blessed day, and with the Celebration of the Birth of our beloved Prophet, PBUH, let us all remember his Sunnah, let us all remember how he lived, simply and modestly. Let us all remember that this ummi man (illiterate) was the best of teachers, had the best of Manners, he was the most loving man and husband and father. He had nothing and yet he gave to others the last date he had in his house. Even when his daughter was sick and a needy and hungry man nocked on his door, he gave him the LAST Pomegranate he had to feed his sick daughter. But he knew that the mercy of God is SO big that he would soon be rewarded with MORE and Better than what he just gave up or lost. He used to help his wives, play with them, smile to them, greet them, hug them, he never insulted his wives or ANY other human being, not even his enemies, he never lied, he never cheated, he never spoke words that can hurt or humiliate the other. He was poor, he had no degrees, but he was the best of all mankind. He was the best to his people and to others.

On this day, may all of us learn from this great Man, salla Allaho 3alahi wassalam.
May our sons grow to be Men of honours and Manners just like our Prophet, pbuh.

I love you all for the sake of Allah swt

Walk in peace,


P e r f e c t i o n


Perfection belongs to the One & Only, to the Creator of all Mankind and of All things. He who seeks perfection in this dunyah (life) shall die and never find it, except in Paradise.

Unlike what many say … do not pursue a mirage. Perfection is one of them.

Walk in peace,

Nermine B.