Monday, 6 November 2017

In this rainy and gloomy day,
From the St-laurent, the Island of Montreal,

A gentle reminder to all of us...

Surround yourself with positive energy, with positive people, with positive thoughts and prayers.

This is your key to success and self healing. This is your Essence. Get rid of all negativity in your life, in your work and in your circle of people! Surround yourself with People who INSPIRE you (wink wink you know who you are) don't surround yourself with people who drain you and bring you down to your knees. Surround yourself with people who truly love you, care for you and who want the best for you. Not those who envy you, who are jealous, or those who don't wish you success and who always try to make you believe that you are not worth it and that you are good at nothing in this life. Don't you ever allow anyone brake your dreams and burn your motivation. 

Be with those who will love and wish for you, what they love and wish for themselves. The are rare, but there are out there. You are somewhat a reflection of your surrounding and environment. This is why, we must pick up wisely, anyone that we want to include in our lives.
Walk in peace my friends,

Nermine Barbouch

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