Friday, 20 January 2017

Don't wait to smile ...

When you find the strength to smile after each storm;
When you smile under the rain and in the middle of the darkness;
Over the phone or behind a closed door.
When you smile although your body is aching;
And even when your soul is confused and lost.
When you smile during your weakest moments;
On your knees or in your torments …
When you smile and your heart is bleeding;
Your tears are falling;
When you smile in the face of your brother or sister in humanity;
And even in the face of the one who inflicted you with pain;
When you smile to a stranger, to an orphan, to the needy and weak;
Even though your own Self needs a pat on the shoulder or a hug.
And after all this, if your smile shakes mountains, brings sunshine and makes someone else’s day;
Regardless of your own challenges and fights;
Know that your smile is a symbol of courage, strength, charity, kindness and hope.

Do not wait for happiness to knock on your door in order for you to smile.
Smile anyway, smile now. Happiness and peace are on their way.  

Keep smiling,  
Keep inspiring.

Walk in peace,


Friday, 6 January 2017


I’m perfectly imperfect
And I’m perfect in my imperfection.
I rejoice in the perfection of the Creator,
And I find refuge in the perfection of the Universe.

I don’t have to apologize for my imperfections.
I do not have to change I’m imperfections to perfect,
Neither do I have to perfect in order to “please”.
I’m perfectly comfortable in my imperfections.
Humane; I’m capable to see the perfection in the imperfection of the other,
To accept it and to life with it …
As long as these perfections or imperfections,
Do not lead us to a war or to a “Quest for Perfection”.
Your perfectly imperfect,

Photo source:


Je suis parfaitement imparfaite
Et je suis parfaite dans mon imperfection.
Je me jouis de la perfection du Créateur
Et je trouve refuge dans la perfection de l’univers.

Je n’ai pas à m’excuser pour mes imperfections.
Je n’ai pas à changer mes imperfections pour parfaire,
Ou pour perfectionner afin de « plaire ».
Je suis parfaitement confortable dans mes imperfections.

Humaine, je suis capable de voir la perfection dans l’imperfection de l’autre,
de l’accepter et de vivre avec …
tant que ces perfections ou imperfections,
nous ne mènent pas vers une guerre et vers « une quête de La Perfection ».

Votre parfaitement imparfaite,

Source photo:

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

When your own father is a bully and when Obesity is a crime.

10 years ago, when I started working as a cultural Interpreter in Social work and Health care, I’ve had the honour to work with hundreds of parents and children from the Arabic community.  Some families I have worked with for years and others I have met only once. I have witnessed endless stories and testimonials, some were happy stories but most of them were extremely sad, painful and too choking to believe that such atrocities exist (even in our own community).
One evening, I was called to meet a teenager and her mom. When I walked in the office, the young lady was seated with her hands around her waist. She was very beautiful, calm and polite. She tried to hide her pain behind a smile but I already knew that it won’t last much before her sad eyes let her tears wash her pale face.  Half her face was covered with her long blond hair and with the other eye, she looked at me and with a shaking voice she started relating what had happened to her.
I was eating pie and my father tried to choke me […]”.
The only “crime” of this smart and beautiful young lady is the size of her body and her sweet tooth. On that day, when Layal came back home from school, she sat at the table and was eating pie. Her father came back earlier than expected. He opened the door and the first thing he saw is his daughter eating that pie. He got very angry and lost his temper.  He ran to her and instead of using his hands and arms to hug his girl, he actually started shocking her. Mom who was busy in the other room heard her daughter’s battle trying to physically escape from her own father. Mom came to the rescue and the young lady came to us seeking help and not wanting to ever go back home.
People need to be aware that bullying doesn’t happen only in schools and at work place. Bullying happens even in our homes. Layal was bullied by her father and abused emotionally, psychologically and physically. She was constantly humiliated and reminded of how “fat and obese” she is. He would tell her things like: “Look at yourself. Look in the mirror; can’t you see how ugly you are? How fat you are? Who’s going to look at you?  You will never find love. You will never achieve much with this body”. Layal was scared to eat in front of her father. She would eat only when he’s not around. Sometimes, she would lock herself in her room to eat.
When you love someone and care for them, you should never put them down or humiliate them. The wisest thing to do in a similar situation is perhaps to ask yourself many questions as a parent who sees changes In their children. Find solutions together. Observe, listen more and talk less. Be patient, gentle and kind. You should encourage your kids to feel good about themselves and to live a healthier lifestyle by making changes to your diet as a family, by doing more activities together. Go out together for a long walk, for a hike or even join a gym with your kid and do things together to not make the other feel as an outsider or as the one who has a problem. You should be a role model to your family and a leader; not a bully or the abuser.
To anyone who actually “dares” to tell another person: “Look at yourself in the mirror, look at how fat you are”; I would strongly encourage you to look at yourself in the mirror and reflect on the ugliness and the cruelty of your own words.

I’m sure that many people (men and women, girls and boys) will recognise themselves in this story. Sadly we are living in a society that has an extreme opinion and views about beauty and looks. What most people do not understand is that anyone who’s suffering from their weight issues are indeed “suffering”, they are dealing with many issues, some are depressed, others are abused, some are lonely and isolated, others are seen as failures, others have mental health issues, some have some serious health issues and problems with their self-esteem .... and the reasons are just too many.  Thousands if not millions are suffering of bulimia, of different eating disorders such as emotional or compulsive eating. At one point in my life,until very recently, me too, I was an emotional eater. In the middle of my own storm and struggles, I found “comfort” in food. But shortly after  this feeling of satisfaction is quickly replaced by guilt and sickness. Not everyone is lucky enough to open their eyes and realize what’s happening to them. So bullying my friends, (even those “innocent” comments and looks) that we sometime throw at the other about their looks, isn’t helping at all!

Rest assured, that  no one, no one wants or wishes to be overweight. All they want, is some respect, understanding, love and support. If you can’t do any of this to help the other, then I beg you, to remain silent and far away.

Note: To protect the teenager's identity, I used a fictional name.  

Walk in peace,
Nermine Barbouch

Sunday, 1 January 2017

A prayer from a healing heart,

As millions of people celebrate New Year 2017, I celebrate a new beginning by choosing to close an old chapter in my life. I celebrate with a little prayer that has big meanings. I pray for you and me to be blessed with Good Health, I pray that we get closer to our Creator, to strengthen our Faith in Him and in humanity; to love more and to hate less; to overcome our desire of revenge and hate by leaving our destiny between the hands of the One who sees and hears all things, to the One who’s the Best of Avengers.  To purify our hearts and to walk in peace. Now say AMINE (آمين  / Amen).  

 What I wish the most right now is to shut forever the door that brought in my life so much pain and to leave the people who were the cause of this pain, behind that door and to never look back.  I’ve learned a great deal from my mistakes and from the one person who entered my life and who inflicted me with great sadness. This experience has left many scars so that it always reminds me of many things and lessons. However, as the proverb says: “what doesn't kill you makes you stronger” (ما لا يقتلك يجعلك أقوي).  

I’m learning to grieve in order to get stronger, I’m learning from my mistakes in order to never fall in the same trap again and to help other women. I’m carrying my heart in my hands in order to feel every muscle and every beat so that I can remind myself that I’m still alive. I’m learning to listen to the too many voices in my head, to the flashbacks and to push them away when needed. I’m learning to be a better person and to come back stronger and healthier in mind and body. I’m learning to say NO and I’m learning to live for me and for my daughter. I’m learning to make myself my own priority because I too deserve to be happy and to come first instead of always serving others.

I’m learning to totally rely on God and to fully absorb the true meaning of the word “Reliance” (تَوَكُّل) and to believe in His words: “…But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not”. (وَعَسَى أَنْ تَكْرَهُوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ وَعَسَى أَنْ تُحِبُّوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ شَرٌّ لَكُمْ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنْتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ).  And to be certain that: “For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease".  (فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا).

I’m also trying to learn to “Leave tomorrow alone until it comes”. To not worry about what I can’t see and about what’s not here yet. I’m learning to rejoice every moment of today and this is happening right now! It’s a natural human reaction to be sad but I’m learning to not be sad for too long because my Creator is watching over me: “Don’t be sad, Allah is with us.” (لا تَحْزَنْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَنَا ) .

I must also remind myself and strongly believe in the concept of Destiny (قدر‎‎) which is one of the 6 pillars of faith (أركان الإيمان). To remember that everything in this life is meant to be (even if we do not understand it yet). To remember that there’s greater worries and that this world (دنيا) is a big test.  There’s also another important reminder from God which says: “If Allah loves a people, then he afflicts them with trials. Whoever is patient has the reward of patience, and whoever is impatient has the fault of impatience”. (إذا أحب الله قوما ابتلاهم , فمن صبر فله الصبر , ومن جزع فله الجزع). Allah SWT tests us with hardship and also prosperity in order to validate the sincerity of our faith. And as many say, perhaps Allah SWT is eager to hear our voice and is eager to hear our supplications (دعا ). Perhaps it’s indeed a reminder to turn to Him again and again.

There are days where I wish I could stand on a hill and yell at the top of my lungs to release all the pressure and anger. There will be moments of weakness because we are humans! But we need to remember that “when the World pushes you to your knees, you are in the best position to pray”.

 I will pray for patience (صبر) and I will pray for true friends who will always remind me (ذكر) that God is always present and is always near.  

I pray to be a better person, for myself and for my daughter. I pray to teach her how to impose respect and to never let anyone and no Man to ever put her down, to never count on people but rather on her Creator, to be strong in mind, faith and health. I will teach her not to lie and not to be a hypocrite.  I will do all I can to teach her the best manners. Teach her to help, love and respect others. To give more, to help and feed the needy and to never despair. I will teach her to say NO and I will teach her to choose for herself and to never give up to anyone’s pressure, to never be controlled or manipulated. I will teach her to fear ALLAH s.w.t and NO ONE ELSE BUT HIM.

Amine. Amine. Amine.

Walk in peace,

Nermine Barbouch
نرمين، أم ساره